The Drifter Challenge House 001 (Completed)

Welcome To The Drifter Challenge House 001!

Here you can find background info for all of the household members from House 001 of The Drifter Challenge. House 001 has been completed so there are no new episodes for this mini challenge. If you do decide to watch House 001 on my channel, please take note that the series is incomplete because the majority of the challenge was done via live stream. A lot of the footage from the live streams does not exist anymore and it breaks my heart because Pete will always be my favorite Sim!

------------------------Rules for House 001 of The Drifter Challenge can be found here.-------------------------

Meet Our House 001 Founder!

Pete Negative

Relationship Status:       Christina Forrester
Goofball, Music Lover, Creative
Children:                             Todd Negative & Jarrod Negative (Twins)

Pete Negative worked in the programming career in the eSports Gamer branch and was very successful in his line of work. By the end of the challenge he reached eSports Competitor (level 7) of his career. He was able to provide a home for his family and had met all of the requirements for completion of House 001. 

Christina Forester, Todd and Jarrod Negative

Left to Right: Christina, Todd, Jarrod & Pete

Christina Forester Traits:         Bookworm, Loner, Ambitious
Todd Negative Traits:              Music Lover, Creative, Geek
Jarrod Negative Traits:         Cheerful, Neat, Outgoing

When Pete first laid eyes on Christina she was roaming the streets of his neighborhood wearing no pants--she had on a top and underwear for bottoms. After he introduced himself to her they became friends very quickly and I have to say thank goodness, because it took us a while to find Pete a potential wife. After the two were married and she moved in, we quickly learned that she was never happy in her new life. She was forced into staying home 24/7 with nothing to do, no job to go too. This was very hard on Christina because she was a very ambitious Sim! But once Christina and Pete decided to start a family, things looked up for her. She gave birth to twin boys Todd and Jarrod. They brought a lot of joy in her life and gave her something to do. She did a pretty good job making sure that their two new nooboo's needs were always met while Pete was away working. Todd and Jarrod where a lot of fun as kids! Thanks to Pete's mathematical diagrams they always got their homework done and did pretty good in school, even when they were teens in high school. They never argued or caused any problems, always loving towards each other and their parents. Todd loved spending time at the computer trolling "teh" forums and playing games and Jarrod would always spend a lot of time outside playing on the monkey bars or talking to his mom. 

Left to Right: Christina, Todd, Jarrod & Pete

Pete sleeping on a bench in typical Drifter fashion
Pete holding his heir Todd

Negative House 001 (Final Version)

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